Conversations: April 2024
What conversations am I having with myself right now about my publishing business?
Things change.
Indies are nimble and can adapt and change easily to fit the market.
That’s what we are told. The reality is more complex and nuanced. Yes, things change, but the old ways are comfortable, easy. New ways involve risk, long chunks of time to “figure it out,” and sometimes (often!) fail.
Still - we need to keep an eye on what’s happening, right now in 2024.
This blog is about the conversations I’m having with myself about the changing landscape of POD printers, direct sales and how to get that right, and other business matters. Come and listen in—and join the conversation.
The post is for paid subscribers. Read my many free posts about these topics. For example, I recently made the post listed below free; it’s about the 2023 update on POD printers.