Follow the Success! 85,000 in Print.
Why I'm publishing Book 4, The Kittytubers series and using Kickstarter
Book 4 of THE KITTYTUBERS series, KITTEN FRIENDS will launch on Tuesday on Kickstarter.
First, the three-book series has been successful. It has 85,000 in print.
HERE’S AN ASIDE: Our terminology of success needs to adapt somehow. Any suggestions? It’s hard to say that it has “sold” 85,000 copies. It has sold print and ebooks. But it’s also been read on subscription services for ebooks and audiobooks. All of that — sales, listens, and reads — the series has over 85,000 readers. How do we factor in the subscription services when we talk about our successes? One way I’ve seen is to say “in print.” Any other suggestions? THE ASIDE ENDS. BACK TO THE MAIN TOPIC.
With that kind of interest in my kittens who are actors on Kittytube, it was an easy decision to write Book 4.
In our businesses, there are passion projects and there are smart decisions. Here, the two coincided. I love the writing of these stories because I am allowing myself to plan less and be more intuitive as I write. Each book includes a summary of about 8-10 video episodes. Those are great fun to imagine. How would these kittens create a video that would really attract attention? They are simply put, fun to write. And when they are also having success, it’s a big win for me.
Successful Kickstarter Last Year
Last year, I plunged into this fascinating world of crowdfunding. Brandon Sanderson’s stunningly successful kickstarter helped fuel a continued interest. If you haven’t heard, Sanderson’s epic Kickstarter is the most funded project ever on Kickstarter at $41 million+. Yes, that is million. And 185,341 backers. Wow! That many people LOVE his work. Wouldn’t YOU love that kind of audience?
He did that by building an audience over the past 20 years.
Building an audience. Last year, my Kickstarer for THE PLAN FOR THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE brought in $2000, with 54 supporters. My goal this time is 100 supporters. (Are you one of them?)
Isn’t that what authors want? An audience who loves your work so much that they CAN’T WAIT to read the next one!
I had success on Kickstarter last year, so of course, I’ll follow up with a new campaign this year.
That aside above about counting our success - it also has ramifications for my next projects.
On the EPIC! app, my book, A LITTLE BIT OF DINOSAUR currently has 1,175,000+ reads. Yes! Over a million reads in the first year it’s been on the platform.
When I got those numbers, I was stunned.
But I still don’t know what to do with it.
Except, I DO know what to do.
I have commissioned art for Books 2 and 3, creating A LITTLE BIT OF DINOSAUR series.
This year, I am following the successes that my books have found.
Meow! Growl!
What successes have you had? How are you following up on them?
Thanks for reminding us to think beyond one book. It changes our perspective. Appreciate all you do!