Jan 31Liked by Darcy Pattison

I believe some do not think of self-publishing as a small business. There is an upfront investment that needs to be made and it will take time to grow the business and your customer base. Plus, the importance of putting out a quality product (edited, engaging illustrations, well developed storyline). I enjoyed the article and information shared.

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Even if they don't acknowledge that it's a small business, people have the expectation that it will earn money. So, it IS a small business. It's helpful if they acknowledge that.


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Jan 31Liked by Darcy Pattison

It also helps to have some mentors...like you for example. ;)

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Aw, thanks.


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Jan 31Liked by Darcy Pattison

You missed another major reason for self-publishing...CONTROL! Yes it comes with a price...HARD WORK, but with cheerleaders like you around, it seems possible. Thank you!! It's when you are on the downside of those five years to success that you sometimes wonder what the heck you are doing.

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Hey, I'll be your cheerleader whenever you need it!


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I agree that it does take hard work and determination. You have to keep on pushing forward even if you feel like you’re getting nowhere.

Can you talk about how to go about getting your book licensed in other countries? How did you find the agency, etc. Did they reach out to you? How did they find your book? Thanks.

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