Hi Darcy, I enjoyed your Storyteller Academy course and am a regular reader of your newsletter. I am working on my first PB and want to use a real photo as you did in the back of Pollen & Eclipse. From what I understand, you reached out to the person who took the photo for permission. However, I would love to better understand the legalities and considerations of publishing someone else's photograph in my PB. Where do I start? What do I need to ask/do before I'm good to go? What if it's a national organization, university, or business (like NASA) that I want to obtain the photo from and not an individual? I would appreciate your insight. Thanks so much!

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What a tangled topic that is! I'll try to do a post on it soon. If it's a federal government agency, it's usually public domain. The thinking is that the federal government is paying the salaries of the employees and their work should belong to the people. But always check for a Photo Permissions Policy. More coming in a dedicated post!


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Thank you for the timely post about this topic. Much appreciated!

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Dear Darci, how do I go about adding my book to Follett's catalog or the other distributors? Do I send them a Sell Sheet or do I have to sign up for their Broad Reach Program? Thanks in advance! :)

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No, the Broad Reach program is advertising. You pay them for those services, and you get no tracking! I don't recommend doing Follett ads unless you have already exhausted other avenues of advertising. Follett is not very indie-publisher friendly. Start with Mackin, who does respond. Send me an email to pattisondarcy at gmail and I'll send you a name.

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Darcy, I write for multiple age groups, from picture books to adults. I'd appreciate your thoughts on building a brand with multiple spinning plates .

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I bought your book & took your course. My self-published picture book is now with the graphic designer. My question is about getting reviews. With a limited budget, what would be 3 good book reviewers to submit my book? Thanks.

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OK. What are some worthwile picture book awards for fiction writers that are availabe to indies? Can you share your tips for making the covers look good but still have small file sizes? It looks to me like covers do change the overall file size so I do want them as small as I can, but with decent quality. Do you look at dpi or ppi and how many pixels do you do for double spread inside e-book? I have one book out as a test - it is adult non-fiction and 625 x 1000 pixels works perfect (at 40% quality 70 dpi) but the rest I will be putting out are picture books so I was wondering which size the double spread it should be. All my books are 8 x 10 in trim size. Thanks!

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I'm getting ready to set the RRP on my 32 page children's picture book. Prices of comparable books are all over the map. Higher seems like it positions it as a higher quality product and provides room to discount. Lower is always attractive. Does $3 - $5 dollars make a difference if you are reaching your target?

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