Big Thank You! 1000!
Thank you for coming along on the journey of independently publishing children’s books! This blog is a labor of love and a way to give back to the community of writers and publishers, those of us who love children’s books. Reaching 1000 subscribers is amazing!
Please share the excitement of!
That milestone has happened over the course of 97 blog posts—almost at a landmark 100. I’ve written about formatting, printing, and marketing of children’s books in detail. Everything is focused on helping you make decisions that will help you succeed in this crazy world.
As a thank-you I’d like to give each of you a free copy of my book, HOW TO WRITE A CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK. (Offer expires on 8/31/23, so HURRY! Limit 1000 downloads, so please do not share. Bookfunnel app required. )
Want to know even MORE about writing picture books? I’ll be co-teaching a Highlights Foundation retreat on August 23-26, Picture Book Writers and Illustrators: A Working Retreat. It’s not too late to sign up - but there are only 2 places left! Come join us!
Google loves this post and sends me lots of traffic, as in 26.2K visitors.
Here’s the second place post!
AFTER the fonts post above, this post has brought in the most subscribers, 25.
All About YOU!
So, who is subscribing to IndieKidsBooks?
20% of you are from California, while 9% are New Yorkers. Other states with high representation are Texas - 8%, Florida - 6%, and Virginia - 5%.
The app doesn’t give me other demographic background, but I know that you are actively writing and publishing children’s books. Lovers of children’s literature!
And of course, I think you’re brilliant - because you’re here!
And here’s an opportunity for you to become a PAID subscriber:
20% Discount, Good on annual subscription only.
Offer expires on August 31.
Ask Questions!
This is a great time to leave a comment with a question you’d like to see covered on I’m writing mostly from my experience, what I’m dealing with daily. But I’m happy to circle around and answer YOUR questions.
That’s awesome! Congrats!