Why subscribe to Indie Kids Newsletter?

Hi, I’m Darcy Pattison. Here’s a question for you: how can you successfully bring your children’s book to market?

For the last eight years, I’ve worked hard to bring about seventy-five children’s books to market through my publishing company, MimsHouseBooks.com. I currently earn over $100,000/year, most of that on book sales, and I pay myself a salary. Along the way, I’ve set up systems that support such things as writing, layout and design, editing, publishing, advertising, and sales.

Let’s talk! Anything the indie publishing world talks about is fair game, but we’ll spin it for children’s books.

When you hear about this layout or that marketing technique, the question is always, “Will it will apply to children’s books?” Maybe. Maybe not. We have a unique market which requires us to do things OUR way. Come read, comment, and help me create a resource for those coming behind us.

Why I’m qualified to write this!

Since 2013, I’ve independently published about 70 children’s books. Here’s some highlights of the Mims House Books publishing program:

  • Four NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books of the Year

  • Four Starred reviews: PW and Kirkus

  • One NCTE Notable Children’s Book in Language Arts

  • Two Junior Library Guild selections

  • Best STEM Book

  • NSSTA Notable Social Studies Book

  • Four Eureka! NonFiction Honor Book from the California Reading Association

  • Chinese translations - four-book series

I’ve taught a Novel Revision retreat across the US, and taught picture books writing and independent publishing at the Highlights Foundation. I have spoken at the national conferences for the Nation Science Teaching Association, the American Library Association, the National Convention of Teacher’s of English, and the Society of Children’s Bookwriter’s and Illustrators (SCBWI). For six years, I was the SCBWI Regional Advisor for Arkansas. In short, I know children’s books and this industry.

This is a free and a paid resource.

BASIC - Free

You’ll find articles here about the basics of writing and publishing a children’s book. For example, what fonts works well for children’s books? Do you need a catalog for your publishing program? See other topics here. Be part of a community of people writing and publishing for kids. Our unique audience means we must find new answers to old questions. Let’s discuss our options!


The $7/month paid option will discuss advanced topics in independently publishing children’s books. Immediately, you’ll receive a five-page Indie Kids Launch Checklist. Resources like this abound in indie publishing circles, but this one is focused on making sure you set your children’s book up for success.

“Your checklist is incredible! It's so detailed; it's not just another list of things so common every author knows them. And it's WAY more than I've been doing for my books. I'm totally going to use this, and I'll bet I am so much more successful because of it. It's a DIY guide to self publishing in 5 pages!” - Donna Boock, author of Kinzie’s Kinventions

This bonus resource is ONLY available to paid subscribers. Each month is expanded into crucial steps; each step is defined and it includes links to over 30 resources. No one can guarantee success in this uncertain business. But the Launch Checklist will put your book way ahead of others.

Why Subscribe?

EXPERIENCE. I am committed to writing and publishing children’s books, bringing books that I love to market so they reach the hands of the right child reader. Everything here is filtered through that lens of eight-years of experience. I’ve made so many mistakes and yet found a way to earn enough to keep working.

ANALYSIS. You need to step back and take a wider view of this industry and your place in it. The advanced paid level will take that wide view and show how we can writer better and find better markets for our books.

HOPE. In everything I teach, my job is to spread hope. It’s not a touchy, feely hope based on well, hope. Instead, solid information, facts, strategies and ideas give you hope of finding your way through the maze of publishing.

Successfully. Sanely. With joy.

Subscribe to Indie Kids Books

Award-winning author, Darcy Pattison, discusses how to find surprising success independently publishing your children's book: writing, layout and design, marketing, and more.


Children’s book author and indie publisher Darcy Pattison writes award-winning fiction and non-fiction books for children. See her books at MimsHouseBooks.com